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Nextworks partecipa al progetto ROBUST-6G, per contribuire alla ricerca sulle reti 6G in Europa. Il...

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La nostra oramai rodata attività da system integrator per il settore yachting, ha avuto seguito...

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La nostra consolidata esperienza come system integrator nel settore residenziale ha avuto seguito...

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Archivio News

Leggi le notizie di Nextworks, inclusi i comunicati stampa e le informazioni in primo piano.

Risultati del nostro R&D nel 2023

Il 2023 è stato un anno ricco di soddisfazioni per il nostro team R&D. Numerosi progetti di ricerca...

Nextworks member of NetWorld2020's Steering Board

At the elections for the renewal of NetWorld2020 ETP managerial bodies,Nextworks have been...

Nextworks elected in the Governing Board of the 5G Infrastructure Association

At the 5G Infrastructure Association General Assembly, Nextworks has been elected for one of the 2...

Our contribution to OSM-MR10 Ecosystem Day: Intent-driven orchestration of Vertical Services

Our demo for OSM-MR10 Ecosystem Day During the talk, Francesca Moscatelli will show the automated...

Nextworks at IEEE CAMAD 2020: 5G and 6G technologies for Industry 4.0

Nextworks is one of the patrons of the IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and...

Nextworks' Virtual CDN PoC for UHD at IBC'19

16 Sept. 2019

The power of 5G Network Slicing for enhanced user mobility management: new demos at ECOC 2019

Our intense calendar of 5G demos at top international events continues unceasingly this year! 

Talking of multi-site 5G Experimentation with 5G EVE at the IEEE 5G World Forum. 2019

1 Oct. 2019