Case history









Nextworks is born

Start of our R&D on quad play systems

First installation of Best on Yacht (Benetti BC 101)

irst Integrated System on IP network (BEST - Benetti Exclusive Sea Technology)

Symphony & Sealux first release & first installation

First yacht in the world with iOS control

100th nautical installation

+250 systems installed

Nextworks: 20 years of projects and innovations

The portfolio of custom solutions created by our teams. From Building Automation to Domonautics, from Servitization for commercial buildings to High Entertainment Technology. And then international research activities, vertical development on project clusters, industrial partnerships, specialised Technical Project Management.

A vocation for creating tailor-made solutions and a technological background that feeds on the continuous exchange of skills between production, development and pure research is our DNA, the mark that characterises us, the spirit that animates our way of working.

At Nextworks, the belief that there is always a way to meet a need is something secondary. The question we want to answer is: "What is the best way?", this is our daily challenge. Those who choose us do so because, like us, they are not looking for a simple answer but for the best one.


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